Advancement Project: School to Prison Pipeline: work to address the out-of-school suspensions and to end the criminalization of students. They address the racial justice crisis found in schools, and work with the community and students to produce significant change while developing student leaders.
American School Counselor Association (ASCA) supports school counselors and their efforts to help students focus on academic, personal/social and career development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives. ASCA provides professional development, publications, resources, and research and advocacy. The website has a section for administrators and parents.
The Center for Effective Discipline provides resources addressing corporal punishment and links to alternative ways to address behavior difficulties in children and students.
The Center for Effective Discipline (CED): Zero Abuse Project seek a world where every child is free from abuse. They want to effectively prevent, recognize, and respond to child sexual abuse. They provide education and training, victim assistance, research and publications, and public policy.
National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) supports state based groups working to promote the reform of America’s critically flawed juvenile justice system at every level. Keep up-to-date on federal laws, policies and practices working to create developmentally appropriate treatment of children including those with disabilities who are at risk of becoming involved in the justice system.
Parenting in Jesus’ Footsteps created by a Christian family upset with rigid discipline some justify with the Bible. They demonstrate a better way to address behavior difficulties that doesn’t employ hitting. Help stop corporal punishment!
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports practical ideas for addressing a variety of behavioral issues like bullying, positive classroom behavior, early childhood education, and more. School leaders, teachers, parents, and caregivers will find information here on how to react and increase positive student behavioral support.
School Psychology has resources for parents, teachers, and psychologists, including a search option and links and other resources concerning mental and physical health of children, behavior management, disabilities, cultural and linguistic diversity, and more. Information about special education assessment, classroom management, behavior, cyberbullying and more.
Texas Zero Tolerance is archived information but worth mentioning while the site is still running. They were dedicated to reforming public school disciplinary codes to create safe schools and proactive disciplinary policy. They argued in favor of school safety but were concerned that the Texas school discipline system required an overhaul.
Court Cases
Film Documentary
“Access Denied: New Orleans Students and Parents Identify Barriers to Public Education.” by Shakti Belway. Southern Poverty Law Center.
“School Uniforms: The Answer to Violence in American Schools or a Cheap Educational Reform?” by Julia Wilkins. In The Humanist. March/April 1999.
Beyond Survival: How to Thrive in Middle and High School for Beginning and Improving Teachers (Practical Guide Series) by Gary Rubenstein
Changing Problem Behavior in Schools by Alex Molnar and Barbara Lindquist
Education as Enforcement:The Militarization and Corporatization of Schools by Kenneth J. Saltman & David A. Gabbard
Misguided Education Reform: Debating the Impact on Students by Nancy E. Bailey
Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise, and Other Bribes by Alfie Kohn
Punishing Schools:Fear and Citizenship in American Public Education by William Lyons and Julie Drew
Reluctant Disciplinarian by Gary Rubenstein
The School Uniform Movement and What It Tells Us about American Education: A Symbolic Crusade by David L. Brunsma
I love PBIS and have used it my entire life of teaching when working with children with disabilities. It truly is a great resource and helps us teachers and parents.