My last post criticized Science of Reading (SoR) advocates for not fighting against third-grade retention or believing it’s good remediation for reading problems. Third-grade retention based on a test is a ploy to drive parents to take their children out of public schools. Some parents with children who have dyslexia, who believe in the SoR, […]
Reading Disabilities: Focus on Public Schools NOT School Choice!
Parents of children with reading disabilities might be led to believe that school choice for a charter or private school is better than an actual public school. Still, there needs to be proof that those schools are better or that children will get accepted into good schools. Students may lose protection under the Individuals with Disabilities […]
Reading Aloud to Help Children Read Well Their Whole Lives!
Every new parent should get a copy of Jim Trelease’s The Read-Aloud Handbook. Teachers should have a copy too. In honor of the late Trelease, parent and award-winning artist, writer, and author, it’s important to point out that his well-documented research lives on encouraging reading aloud to children, even babies, to foster a lifelong love […]
“The Truth About Reading” Is Missing Truths and Backstory
Americans are getting primed with a trailer for a new documentary called The Truth About Reading. It’s said there needs to be a grassroots movement of parents and educators who are angry and say enough is enough. Wouldn’t it be better if teachers and parents met and shared their concerns about reading at their schools? Schools […]
Why Do So Many Children Have Dyslexia? What is it Exactly?
Many parents and educators raise concerns about dyslexia, and some are pushing for state laws for students with dyslexia in schools. But why do so many children have dyslexia? What is it exactly? What causes it? Prevalence LD Online states that a staggering 5 to 15 percent of Americans—14.5 to 43.5 million children and adults—have […]
Ideas to Teach Reading and Writing, and Other Stuff, for Students with or without Disabilities: HANDWRITING
It sounds like there’s a shortage of ideas to work with students with or without disabilities, especially students who don’t work well online, or need a break from it. So, I am starting this page and will add to it, if there’s interest, in days to come. I welcome teachers and parents to add whatever […]
Learning Disabilities and Inclusion: Abandoned Commitment
Parents around the country are angry, claiming that their children who have learning disabilities, namely dyslexia, are not being served in public schools. The question here is why aren’t public schools serving students with learning disabilities? Isn’t it the law? Many parents expect inclusion in general education classes, although some argue for vouchers. Vouchers mean […]
The Haunted Third Grade Classrooms Children Fear: Enter and… Stay Forever!
Children fear third grade retention. It doesn’t motivate them to learn. They don’t read earlier because of it. Retention is not effective. It’s scary and could haunt a child forever. Third grade retention laws are real for children in nineteen states. NEA Reports noted in 2017 that 16 states and Washington D.C. make it mandatory that […]
Helping Students, Including Those with Learning Disabilities, With Self-Expression
The most important words a student can hear from their teacher or parent are, “I want to hear how you think and feel about this.” Helping students express themselves through writing is critical in every class at every grade level. Self-expression is so important today that I felt compelled to write about one of my […]
Why is Common Core’s Phonics Missing in Reading and Dyslexia Discussions?
Those who claim teachers and their education schools have focused on the wrong way to teach reading never mention Common Core State Standards. But, since 2010, Common Core has figured prominently in the reading curriculum teachers have been forced to teach. If students are showing increased reading problems, shouldn’t the English Language Arts standards be […]