Parents around the country are angry, claiming that their children who have learning disabilities, namely dyslexia, are not being served in public schools. The question here is why aren’t public schools serving students with learning disabilities? Isn’t it the law? Many parents expect inclusion in general education classes, although some argue for vouchers. Vouchers mean […]
Caught in the Middle: Whatever Happened to the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act?
By Aaron Wright No child wants to feel like a failure. No educator wants to feel like they have failed a child. Most children in special education are identified as having a specific learning disability or language impairment. Yet nationally only 67% of children with disabilities will graduate from high school and almost one and […]
Gifted and IDEA: Charter Schools Won’t Solve the Gifted Debate
Even though gifted is listed as a special education category, Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) never adequately addressed it. Intellectually advanced students are complex, not always easy to understand. They need and deserve school support. Much debate surrounds gifted education. But charter schools will not be a sufficient answer to concerns. Some gifted students are […]