Common Core: Education Without Representation started when three moms got together in Utah to speak out against the Common Core. They now have a large following across the country and the website includes a lot of writings about Common Core.
Common Core Diva is a blog with the title “We Will Not Conform: I’m Ready to Make Common Core History.” The blog is from North Carolina but it addresses the general problems of Common Core.
Common Core [sic] Standards is a special section on Susan Ohanian’s website dedicated to providing information about problems with Common Core State Standards.
Fight Common Core: An Initiative of the American Principles Project is a website dedicated to informing people about the Common Core State Standards. They include a good overview of what the Core is, where it came from, and how you can fight it. I like that they include news about Common Core from around the country including a U.S. map that illustrates each state’s legislation in regard to the Common Core.
Florida Stop Common Core Coalition is an active group in Florida fighting Common Core through legislative updates and more.
Georgians to Stop Common Core If you live in Georgia and use Facebook and care about the problematic Common Core State Standards in your child’s school, Georgians to Stop Common Core is for you. You will find much support here and loads of up-to-date information as to what’s happening and how to fight back. Like this page and get involved!
Hoosiers Against Common Core is a group that has seen success in pushing back the Common Core State Standards in Indiana. The website is focused on primarily the Common Core and the PARCC test, local control of education, quality standards, teachers given the ability to practice their profession and reducing the emphasis on high-stakes testing.
Public Schools Central is “a site dedicated to the United States’ public school system: examining the impact of the Common Core, the free market, and privatization on education. Deborah Duncan Owens is the author of The Origins of the Common Core: How the Free Market Became Public Education Policy, and she is Associate Professor of Literacy Education at Elmira College.
Stop Common Core in New York State has documented a lot of anti-Common Core information and sentiment. Their site is full of useful information about the Common Core and how to oppose it.
Stop Common Core in NC a blog that centers around North Carolina, but it has articles relevant to other states. It’s older and I don’t think it’s active.
StopCommonCoreNYS posts many anti-Common Core articles that are up-to-date and relevant not only to New York State but the country. Meant to help parents and teachers stop Common Core!
Truth in American Education (TAE) is a national, non-partisan group of concerned parents and citizens who question the Race to the Top (RTTT) and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and much more concerning school reform. They believe many of the reforms being put into place lack sufficient research-based evidence and insufficient public examination and discourse. This website provides resources and details a lot about the Common Core State Standards.
Building the Machine – The Common Core Documentary.
Children of the Core by Kris L. Nielson
Common Core Dilemma: Who Owns Our Schools? by Mercedes K. Schneider
Common Core: National Education Standards and the Threat to Democracy by Nicholas Tampio
No Choice, No Voice: Something’s Rotten to the Core by Karen Lamoreaux
The Origins of the Common Core: How the Free Market Became Public Education Policy Deborah Duncan Owens
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