A troubling feature of the Science of Reading (SoR) is the connection between those who believe in the power of phonemes (and more) and those who want to privatize public schools. The old NCLB crowd has been rejuvenated and seems onboard with digital instruction replacing public schools and teachers. Understanding this connection is critical for […]
Who’s Teaching America’s Students?
Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth. ~Helen Caldicott, Australian physician, author, and anti-nuclear advocate. Students need professional teachers with subject degrees if they’re to graduate and gain acceptance to universities or enter the workforce capable of a trade. With […]
The Dangerous End of School Libraries and Public Education
School libraries are critical to maintaining great democratic public schools. The loss of school libraries threatens their existence and a student’s right to receive information. See the American Library Association and The Universal Right to Free Expression: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights. Many public schools no longer have functioning school libraries or qualified […]
The Murky World of i-Ready, Grading, and Online Data
Many school districts use Curriculum Associates i-Ready in their classrooms for reading and math, but there appears to be program murkiness. There’s concern that teachers might rely on iReady data for grading rather than their professional expertise. I-Ready provides teachers with data reports of student results, but teachers never see the child’s online responses. They […]
Florida and Beyond Assessment Snookering: CBE, Common Core, and Embedded Online Testing, No Teacher Required!
Florida’s Governor DeSantis just announced the end of the Florida State Assessment (FSA), and many Floridians are thrilled, just thrilled, thinking this will be the end of the horrible testing cloud that has hovered over children since NCLB. And they’re being led to believe that Common Core is done, but they’re still using iReady and […]
How States Are Privatizing Public Schools to Tech Companies During the Delta Variant Uptick
It’s unconscionable that states and local school districts across the country have eliminated the remote learning option where children connect with their classroom teachers online. Instead, they’re opening virtual schools, outsourcing to for-profit companies, using the pandemic to privatize public schooling. Parents fearful of the Delta variant and in-person schooling, hearing dire warnings about sick […]
Kindergarten Pandemic Learning Fears Should Not Be Tied to Screen Time and Rigid Drilling
Kindergartners and their parents and teachers struggle with the pandemic. When the focus is on problems with children learning online, whether a child will succeed, it might help to revisit what’s developmentally appropriate for a kindergartner. Many reports are raising concern about learning loss in kindergarten. “What Kindergarten Struggles Could Mean for a Child’s Later […]
The Longtime Plan for Screens to Replace Teachers: School Choice the Prenda Way
No matter your viewpoint on the coronavirus, for those who care about democratic public schools, our fears merge when it comes to worrying that technology will replace teachers and end those schools. Covid-19 is the perfect storm, and Prenda micro-schools are the prototype. These are schools that focus on commercial tech programs without real teachers. […]
24 WRONG Reasons to Reopen Schools
The reasons for returning to school might sound good, but those reasons always bump up against the enemy, the coronavirus. Here are concerns that deserve attention, but they are the wrong reasons for schools to reopen. 1. President Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos say SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL! Neither the President or […]
Happy 4th! Celebrating America’s Teachers, NOT Chromebooks!
Americans miss their public schools, their universities, and their teachers. On this 4th of July we owe much to the frontline hospital healthcare workers who save lives. Also give thanks for America’s teachers. They stand by their students and are trying to navigate uncertainty concerning Covid-19. Back in March, many believed the virus would be a […]