Several well-received reports and blog posts provide hope that high-stakes standardized testing is reaching the end of its days. Good riddance! But before parents, educators, and students relax, it’s important to realize this horror show is not over. Think of the movie Carrie. The audience shivers through the scary scenes. It wraps up. Then, Stephen […]
Leaving Childhood Out in the Rain!
Why do corporate CEOs, foundations, and policymakers want kindergartners to learn more advanced material at a faster rate? Why is this important to them? If children are made to grow up quickly, what happens to childhood? Why are they against play and art for children in public schools? Why do they push children to read […]
Social-Emotional Learning: The Dark Side
Why would parents and teachers, tired of high-stakes testing in their public schools, wish to sign onto more assessment that tests, tracks, and profiles their child’s behavior online? Good teachers have always built social skills into their classes. Helping children behave and work with each other is second nature to teaching. One can find nice […]
Why Not Ditch Advanced Placement (AP) Classes?
If you have a high school student with college on their mind, chances are you are saving to pay for the myriad of standardized Advanced Placement (AP) tests they will need to take at the end of their classes. Each test, one for each subject, is $93. Students in U.S. Department of Defense Dependents Schools […]
Does the Every Student Succeeds Act MASK No Child Left Behind?
The ESSA has been difficult for most of us to interpret—although it is clear the U.S. Department of Education will now back out of a lot of school business. Still, in reading how the states will now be almost completely in charge, one wonders how NCLB will change. How many of us have states that […]
CBE Online is Neither Personalized Nor Higher-Order Thinking!
The issue of Competency-Based Education is very much in the news, so I thought I would revive this post. Competency-Based Education (CBE) is being promoted as the way to “personalize” education, but it is a cold impersonal method of teaching on the computer. It fails to teach to the whole child and merely provides fragmented […]
What Arne Duncan Didn’t Do for Special Education
So the tree is down and the egg nog is drunk and Arne is leaving. Everyone is sharing their parting thoughts, so I thought I would address Arne’s big moments with special education. Arne’s Letter to Parents Perhaps the place to start is the letter Duncan sent in 2010, making it sound like he understood […]
Some Good Education News from 2015
Writing about education is interesting, but it can also be depressing. Sometimes it feels like being a hamster on one of those wheels. So as we close out 2015, here is a list of some good news that happened in 2015. If you have something to add, let me know! Happy New Year! These are […]
School Reformers Who Blame Public Schools for Eliminating Special Education
I see Washington Post Columnist Jay Matthews as someone who usually cheerleads for privatization of public schools. I take issue with his Sunday Washington Post article “How can a special education student fail finals yet pass? Sadly, it’s easy.” Oh help! Is this not a case of the right hand not being able to find […]
There are Many Roads and Destinations for Children with Disabilities
Every child doesn’t have to arrive at the same destination. There are many endpoints and lots of highways. So why are parents and students directed to one score and one test to say who will be successful? The Atlantic is asking whether No Child Left Behind (NCLB) should be considered an achievement when it comes […]