Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. ~Fred Rogers Lately, when do children get chances to solve problems through unstructured play? How much time do they spend in school thinking, discovering, and figuring things […]
Kindergarten Online Data? Teacher Observation is Safer and Better!
Making kindergartners participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is a strange idea, and collecting data about kindergartners is worrisome. What’s the purpose? President of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute and Hoover Institute research fellow and public school critic Michael Petrilli believes testing kindergartners online is easier than having them sit still long enough […]
Covid-19 School Contradictions, Confusion, and Mistrust
Covid-19 is a strange phenomenon without any proven how-to guides. Recommendations and contradictions surrounding Covid-19 and schools have raised uncertainty. When there’s a lack of clarity, people become suspicious of what they’re told, and they wonder what and who to believe. Parents and Teachers Can’t Agree Many parents believe schools are safe, few children get […]
Kindergarten Learning Loss Message Is HORRIFYING for Children!
No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, high-stakes testing, Common Core, and other bad school reform measures are coming together with Covid-19 to destroy the futures of America’s youngest learners! They include the same equity and disparity talk used to ramp up the above harmful policies. Those changes to schools, all that rigor talk, […]
Is EdTrust Behind High-Stakes Testing During This Pandemic?
High-stakes standardized testing. Why now? Why again? Why ever? Was The Education Trust (EdTrust) involved in the decision? Who is EdTrust, and why would President Biden listen to them? EdTrust is a pro-school-reform group that carries clout, and they’ve been vocal about schools reopening during the pandemic. John B. King, Jr., who was education secretary […]
President Biden’s Ideas About Schools and Covid-19 Miss the Mark
I watched President Biden’s CNN Townhall. I like President Biden and feel that he is sincere and wants to do a good job. He is well-focused on helping the country move forward. His kindness shines through. But his school plans for Covid-19 are worrisome. As expected, Covid-19 dominated the Townhall conversation. A whole segment could […]
8 Ways to Save Public School Funding During and After Covid-19
Everyone’s worried about the budgetary fallout that will affect public schools after the corona virus pandemic is over. The situation appears grim. Meanwhile, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and her friends are still seeking to privatize public education. The CARES Act has given her free rein. Governor Andrew Cuomo warns that without federal assistance, school funding […]
Public School “Reimagine” and “Revolution” Hypocrisy: Put Them Out to Pasture!
Teachers and parents on the frontlines of this pandemic should be given control of how their schools are reimagined in the future. When this crisis ends, they should be given the voice on how to bring back democratic public schools and make them their own. Any revolution surrounding schools is theirs. Those who foisted unproven and […]
The Haunted Third Grade Classrooms Children Fear: Enter and… Stay Forever!
Children fear third grade retention. It doesn’t motivate them to learn. They don’t read earlier because of it. Retention is not effective. It’s scary and could haunt a child forever. Third grade retention laws are real for children in nineteen states. NEA Reports noted in 2017 that 16 states and Washington D.C. make it mandatory that […]
It’s Time to Erase Harmful, Recycled Education Policy!
Serious education issues in public schools are recycled because the ulterior motive of some is to end public education. Research is repeatedly ignored. Why are school administrators clueless? How is it that legislators repeatedly recreate policy we know is harmful for students? Each heading contains a link to proof. End Retention. Research is clear that […]