Are community schools privatizing public education from within through partnerships? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, isn’t it a duck? It’s hard to distinguish the Biden administration’s Full-Service Community Schools and Charter School difference (see below). Americans fail to invest in schools and children have unmet […]
Will America Invest in Public School Buildings, Finally?
How will the Biden administration manage a public school facelift? Is $100 billion enough? Will communities see a windfall of funding dedicated to this purpose? Will corporate partnerships help? Will Americans see it as an equity issue? Covid-19 showed Americans the importance of public schools, but they still might not understand the crumbling conditions found […]
Education Secretary Cardona, End Third Grade Retention and High-Stakes Standardized Testing!
The Biden administration chose a real educator to be education secretary. Now Dr. Cardona should move to end third-grade retention, a procedure that would be especially cruel administered with this pandemic. Many alternative plans are available to help children do better in school that won’t involve the humiliation of retention. Cardona should withhold federal funds […]
Is EdTrust Behind High-Stakes Testing During This Pandemic?
High-stakes standardized testing. Why now? Why again? Why ever? Was The Education Trust (EdTrust) involved in the decision? Who is EdTrust, and why would President Biden listen to them? EdTrust is a pro-school-reform group that carries clout, and they’ve been vocal about schools reopening during the pandemic. John B. King, Jr., who was education secretary […]