National Dropout Prevention Center/Network information on improving academic, social, work, and healthy life skill activities to help students stay in school and lead productive lives. State and local agencies and additional resources are noted. Links are provided for professionals and parents.
The Student Voice Forum provides a blogging place for high school and college students to express themselves.
Supporting Adolescents with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Charlotte Forwood provides information about DLD in teens, videos, names of individuals on Twitter connected to DLD problems in teens, and more. Scroll up and down on each category and from side to side.
Teen Mental Health a Canadian site with resources that might assist families, teens, and educators. They consider serious topics surrounding teen behavior: the teen brain, suicide, fighting stigma, teen sleep, brain injury, impact of mental health, understanding self-injury/self-harm, teen stress, cannabis use, mental disorders, and more.
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