Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is being pushed into public schools. It could mean many things, restorative justice, meditation, anti-bullying programs, and much more. But SEL is not just an add-on program. It’s whole-school systematic change from teaching academics to focusing on students and personality formation. Books and online programs galore are being written about SEL and […]
What Santa Claus and Social-Emotional Learning Have in Common
You better watch out, you better not cry, Better not pout, I’m telling you why Santa Claus (and SEL assessment are) comin’ to town. ~Song lyrics to “Santa Clause is Coming to Town” by Songwriters: Haven Gillespie / J. Fred Coots (with alteration). Why is there such an intense push for social-emotional learning (SEL) involving young […]
Will Teachers Be Accountable to Make “Happy” Students?
Here comes VAM for social-emotional learning! Controversy erupted years ago over holding teachers accountable for academic test scores. VAM (Value Added Measurement) was supposed to have been put to rest, but it never really left. Move over VAM, now teachers will be responsible for student behavior too! Back in June, Peter Greene, writing for Forbes […]
Social-Emotional Learning: The Dark Side
Why would parents and teachers, tired of high-stakes testing in their public schools, wish to sign onto more assessment that tests, tracks, and profiles their child’s behavior online? Good teachers have always built social skills into their classes. Helping children behave and work with each other is second nature to teaching. One can find nice […]
New Social-Emotional Standards to Complement Common Core
If you thought Common Core State Standards were bad, look out! Here come the new social-emotional standards to complement Common Core—because nothing says children have feelings more than benchmarks! Today’s Common Core State Standards are aligned to high-stakes testing that closes schools and pushes good teachers out. Of course, many parents have not been happy […]