Teacher Appreciation has taken on new meaning in 2020. This week is supposed to be a time to celebrate teachers with 20% off coupons, candy bars, notes, and thank you trinkets. A scrawled homemade card, laboriously designed by a student with learning difficulties, these are the keepers that bring teachers joy. There’s more gratitude for teachers […]
Disaster Capitalism, Online Instruction, and What Covid-19 Is Teaching Us About Public Schools and Teachers
The last few weeks have been surreal as we learn about the Corona Virus and how to protect ourselves and our neighbors. One of the largest disruptions has been school closings in order to contain the virus. No one knows when schools will reopen. While Covid-19 is of utmost concern, parents and educators, who’ve worried […]
How Dwindling Human Interaction in Public Schools Hurts Us as a Society
Look at the picture above. Is the boy going to pick on the girl, or will he invite her to play with the other children? In today’s impersonal school climate, how do students learn about those around them? When there’s no chance of bringing students together in school, how will children better understand their peers? […]
What’s Behind the Chan Zuckerberg (CZI) Push for “Brain Science?”
It doesn’t matter how much trouble Mark Zuckerberg might appear to be in with Facebook, he and his wife still find time to mess with education and give elitist advice to teachers. Their latest initiative is to claim teachers need to learn brain science. They’re donating $1 million to Neuroteach Global, an online PD platform created […]
Personalized (Online) Learning Fails at Classroom Dynamics and Socialization
Let’s get together, yeah yeah yeah Think of all that we could sha-are Let’s get together everyday Every way and everywhere And though we haven’t got a lot We could be sharin’ all we’ve got Together ~Haley Mills, From Walt Disney’s The Parent Trap The public school classroom is a sacred community. How students socialize in […]
Betsy DeVos’s Tour Questions Are About Tech Transformation
Betsy DeVos is gearing up for another tour, this time in the South. Chalkbeat shared the questions she is asking about schools. Here I try to interpret her questions with answers to what she is really getting at. I believe her questions are related to technology and “disruption” in education. The drive is to transform […]
School Transformation Double Talk Threatens Students and Teachers
It’s easy to be confused by what is said about schools today. We are told one thing, when quite the opposite is taking place. We are told that with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), education will involve local decision making. Simultaneously, the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is giving $44 million to affect state […]
Stealing Vocational Dreams: Pushing Career Education Too Soon
If you have a middle school student, chances are the school they’re attending is already discussing career options. While there’s always been a place at this age for discussing a child’s hopes and dreams for the future, the push to make career-ready children is creating a lot of anxiety among parents. Much of this involves […]
IEPs for All Students? Hold On!
A discussion about IEPs for all students seems to be trending. In an interview with The Nation during the presidential campaign, Jane Sanders talked about IEPs and public schools. It was likely the most we heard about public education at that time. Here are her words. It’s interesting, because we’ve made progress with IEPs [Individualized […]
The New “Collaboration”—Students Teaching Themselves Without Schools
While the teacher’s role is currently mentioned in corporate reform involving technology, it is diminishing. Teachers are being replaced by outside partnerships who control how and what students learn. Simultaneously, the student-to-student role is increasing. Students are being relied on to instruct each other. This is exemplified in the term “collaboration.” What collaboration used to […]