As this year’s Teacher Appreciation Week ends, Americans might want to think about a country without real teachers. In the future, technology may control and monitor children. Their data will continue to be sought after by companies. Teaching will increasingly be about profitmaking, and tutors or fast-track trained Teach for America types will supervise classrooms […]
“Reimagining” Teacher Appreciation in 2020: Pushback on the Takeover of America’s Schools
Teacher Appreciation has taken on new meaning in 2020. This week is supposed to be a time to celebrate teachers with 20% off coupons, candy bars, notes, and thank you trinkets. A scrawled homemade card, laboriously designed by a student with learning difficulties, these are the keepers that bring teachers joy. There’s more gratitude for teachers […]
America’s Teachers vs. Betsy DeVos and the Top 1% During Teacher Appreciation Week
During this year’s Teacher Appreciation Week, teachers will undoubtedly cherish notes and gifts from grateful children and parents, but they recognize real teacher appreciation is about more than a week of tributes. They also see through Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and the top one percent who want to destroy public education and the teaching profession. […]
Diane Ravitch’s Education “Wisdom and Wit” is Critical at this Time
We will someday view this era as one in which the nation turned its back on its public schools, its children, and its educators. We will wonder why so many journalists and policymakers rejected the nation’s obligation to support public education as a social responsibility, and accepted the unrealistic, unsustainable promises of entrepreneurs and billionaires. […]
Teacher Appreciation: It’s More than a Free Burrito
The official Teacher Appreciation Week starts tomorrow. If you celebrated it last week—celebrate again. In fact, celebrate every day! Teacher appreciation can’t be captured in one week. Here is my 2015 list and my 2016 list of why we should appreciate teachers. If you think of something I left out let me know. Chipotle gave […]
In Honor of Teacher Appreciation Week—Who Are They Kidding?
Get ready teachers! The country is priming for that once a year period where you are venerated by America for the work that you do—for all the children you just finished testing the heck out of—through little fault of your own. It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! Want to see how so-called leaders and the media are […]