A public school is the hub of the American community, and school libraries provide students the knowledge to better understand their world. But public schools and school libraries face a crisis at this time in history, and it’s important to question what has happened with CARES Act funding. Americans in crisis recognize that public schools […]
With One Reply, Betsy DeVos Told Us Her Real Plan for America’s Public Schools
In one of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s most troubling responses of both days of testimony, she responded to an inquiry by Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) about this nation’s crumbling school infrastructure. It comes about 1:09:45 into the tape (below) from the PBS News Hour. It’s important to remember that she has always said that public […]
Nineteen For 2019: Choose This, NOT That, to Save Public Education in the New Year!
1. Kindergarten NOT The New First Grade Kindergartners should be treated like the four and five-year-old students that they are and not pushed to be first graders. The activities and instruction for this age group are well established. Real educators should take charge and ensure that there’s much free play and age appropriate activities. 2. […]
Personalized (Online) Learning Fails at Classroom Dynamics and Socialization
Let’s get together, yeah yeah yeah Think of all that we could sha-are Let’s get together everyday Every way and everywhere And though we haven’t got a lot We could be sharin’ all we’ve got Together ~Haley Mills, From Walt Disney’s The Parent Trap The public school classroom is a sacred community. How students socialize in […]
Maker Movements Should NOT Endanger School Libraries, Librarians, and Reading
To call yourself a librarian, you need to have that training and to be certified. If you replace a certified librarian with someone who’s just an expert in technology, you’re losing half of the role that school libraries are supposed to be serving. You still need someone who is a champion of reading. ~Leslie Preddy, […]
School Transformation Double Talk Threatens Students and Teachers
It’s easy to be confused by what is said about schools today. We are told one thing, when quite the opposite is taking place. We are told that with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), education will involve local decision making. Simultaneously, the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is giving $44 million to affect state […]
Put Out to Pasture: Past Education Secretaries and Their Anti-Public School Connections Today
It’s interesting how previous education secretaries go on to jobs that are anti-public schooling, mostly promoting digital learning. Arne Duncan, who was President Obama’s education secretary, just resurfaced to write an Op Ed in the Chicago Tribune. He argues that education reform after his oversight is doing well. Of course many disagree. We know that […]
IEPs for All Students? Hold On!
A discussion about IEPs for all students seems to be trending. In an interview with The Nation during the presidential campaign, Jane Sanders talked about IEPs and public schools. It was likely the most we heard about public education at that time. Here are her words. It’s interesting, because we’ve made progress with IEPs [Individualized […]
Teachers or Technology? 12 Tech Takeover Concerns
Teachers in Boston are all aglow over personalized learning—teaching students how to learn on digital devices. But there’s something strange about learning how to help computers do a teacher’s job—like maybe tomorrow teachers will show up for work and their key will no longer open the classroom door. LearnLaunch Institute’s MassNet program is one of […]
The Dallas Dance Investigation: What’s Your School District Up To?
Dallas Dance is in trouble. But don’t forget his agenda. The attempted transformation of a school system to personalized learning is troubling. How many school districts have administrators or school board members pushing personalized learning at all cost? Anyone hearing buzz words and phrases like “no walls and no boundaries?” I have posted before about […]