According to Wikipedia, the term “Zombie” figuratively applied describes “a hypnotized person bereft of consciousness and self-awareness, yet ambulant and able to respond to surrounding stimuli.”
Are students being turned into zombies in our schools?
Think about this. The reformers want “rigor”—short for rigor mortis. Children are being over-tested.They’ve lost their recess. Children, who may get few breaks in school, might get classified as have ADHD. Or they just can’t sit still for so long. A lot of medication is being doled out for ADHD
Also, Common Core is, well, common. Student data is being used for—it’s anyone’s guess. Students are not allowed to socialize much and many have lost the arts and most opportunities for free expression. Then there is the matter of extreme zero tolerance….
Are public schools with all the reforms turning students into zombies?
The notion of student zombies was played out in Philadelphia last January when students protested the draconian changes in their schools, by acting like zombies, showing they’re not zombies at all.
Then in February, Rhode Island high school students dressed like zombies again to protest the rigid use of the NEAP tests that would keep some students from graduating
Students shouldn’t have to protest what’s taking place in their schools. They should be learning and enjoying and doing all the funny things children and teens are known for. Adults are supposed to do the right thing by them and cherish and relish who they are at each period of development as it takes place. But that’s not what’s happening. Students, even the younger ones, know they aren’t being treated right.
The question is how long will our young people, and their parents, be able to speak out and recognize students are being turned into zombies? How long will it be before the kids don’t know they’re zombies and they and their parents don’t bother to speak out or challenge what is being done to their schools.
That’s pretty scary! We can’t let it happen.
Happy Halloween. Be careful out there.
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