It should be important to everyone, that the other day College Board president and the Common Core creator, David Coleman, met with Catholics—The Cardinal Newman Society which promotes and defends the faith—to allay their worries about Common Core.
One Newman member snapped at Coleman and said:
We don’t open Catholic schools to get kids into college. We open Catholic schools to get them into heaven.
Well, that may be true, but while Catholic parents want heaven, they might also want their students to go to Notre Dame—the next best thing to heaven in some minds.
And that’s why Catholics are stuck with Common Core like everyone else.
Common Core has been sneakily aligned to the college entrance tests, the SAT and the ACT. This means that in order for students to obtain the information necessary to pass these two tests, however crummy that information might be, they must learn Common Core State Standards.
The new SAT Core alignment will begin in March 2016. And here is information about the ACT alignment to Common Core.
Common Core has become a monopoly of what all children must now learn due to its alignment to these two tests.
How does this happen in a free country?
Well, I suppose it doesn’t hurt that the pro-Common Core Gates Foundation gave the National Catholic Educational Association over $100,000. I mean, why else than the use of such coercive contributions would we have Common Core in any of the nation’s schools?
No one has to argue anymore that the standards are untested and not any good, as many Catholics do. We have become a people who sell out on our principles—and, sadly, religion doesn’t seem to matter either.
Now, this is where some parents will argue that there is a list of colleges where students don’t need Common Core State Standards and the SAT or ACT to get in, and that is true.
There are some great colleges here, but there are some obscure ones too that I have never heard of. And it is important to check the individual school of interest because there are some programs within these colleges that still require an SAT or ACT.
Also, unless you homeschool, chances are your child will learn in school the Common Core way because schools are now focused on getting students supposedly college-ready.
The essence of all this is that it doesn’t matter if your state abandons Common Core. It doesn’t matter if you flee to a fancy private prep school, or any other parochial school. And you can’t hide your kid at home and homeschool either. If you want them to have a chance to go to most colleges they must learn through Common Core.
I repeat—Common Core is pretty much mandatory if you want your student to have access to college. Most colleges require an SAT or ACT score in their entrance requirements.
Also, I am just a messenger here. I hate Common Core.
It looks by social media like most Catholics aren’t keen about it either. Their education logo is now an apple with Jesus on the cross that says “Catholic is our Core.” I think that’s a nice try.
What about the Pope? Well some believe he endorsed the standards when he visited a Catholic School that does the Common Core on his visit to America last September. Here is the article about it.
Catholic bishops I think are pretty savvy. They figured out a long time ago you can’t hide from Common Core in a Catholic school. They have written plenty to address concerns. Here is an example.
For his part, David Coleman was cordial to those at the Newman Society, blathering on about how they do a great job of education already, implying they do better than those old nasty public schools.
That is disputable according to Michigan State researcher and economist, Todd Elder. Here.
But I don’t want to argue about who does better or worse in educating young people. Catholics and non-Catholics all have a lot on their plate with Common Core. They need to stick together to fight it.
And Coleman was only placating Catholics. He knows perfectly well that Catholic students, like all other students, must be tuned into the Common Core now if they want to do well on the aligned SAT and ACT.
Coleman is in charge of it all. It’s all connected. That’s what’s really scary.
That along with the fear that the next thing we will be told is that Bill Gates is going to take Peter’s place in heaven. If that happens, I, and maybe many of you, will be really out of luck when it comes to eternity.
Of course, I say this in jest, but it might not hurt to say a prayer anyway.
I hate common core!! But I know at least you used to be able to get around the SAT and ACT entrance exams simply by going to a junior college first for the general Ed classes. I did this and was then able to transfer to a university without taking and tests! At least I hope this is still an option for my children!!!
I wonder if they haven’t thought of that yet. But that’s an interesting idea. Thank you.
I think its time for some one wealthy on our side to publish.a competing curriculum.That is where the islam stuff is that is where the sex ed stuff is .We needto fight back .