Children should own recess. Adults own P.E. It should be as easily understood as that. But those who wish to privatize public education are conflating the two. They’re using Covid-19, and social-emotional learning, to privatize P.E, calling it recess when it’s not. A Brief History of The Loss of Recess In 1998, The New York […]
14 Reasons Why It Might STILL Be Dangerous to Open School Buildings
For parents and educators, many concerns still surround the virus and sending children back into school buildings. 1. It Seems Like The Virus Should Be Over—It’s Not! This summer looked like the end of the pandemic was in sight, especially if vaccinated. But now the Delta variant swirls around children, teachers, and staff inside schools. […]
Has School Ventilation Improved as Schools Open?
As Delta variant cases increase in children, including several deaths, the mask and vaccination debate has been front and center concerning schools. Many do not believe school building openings are safe and that they shouldn’t open. If they open, they should be made as safe as possible. Are parents and educators examining how their school […]