It was nice to watch the MSNBC Public School Forum online. Finally, Democratic candidates answered questions about education. But here are seven concerns. Corrections are welcome. Billionaire Takeover Candidates talked about making the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes to help schools, but no one mentioned Bill Gates, the Waltons, Eli Broad, Mark Zuckerberg […]
The Stealth Campaign Against Public Schools and the Public Space
Sheila posted this exactly two years ago and her words are still stunning. The post has been recirculating and I wanted to highlight it. Many thanks to Sheila Resseger for her passionate and pointed writing. By Sheila Resseger, M.A. Instead of seeing these children for the blessings that they are, we are measuring them only […]
The Stealth Campaign Against Public Schools and the Public Space
By Sheila Resseger, M.A. Instead of seeing these children for the blessings that they are, we are measuring them only by the standard of whether they will be future deficits or assets for our nation’s competitive needs. Jonathan Kozol Our children, our families, our neighborhoods, our public schools, and our democracy itself have become pawns […]