With Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, it might be tempting to see Arne Duncan as an educational expert, but Duncan has never formally studied education, or been a teacher. Duncan paved the way for DeVos. EdSurge recently brought us Arne Duncan’s 6 lessons about education. They are nothing but the same old corporate reforms that have […]
Finland’s Sad Embrace of America’s Corporate School Reforms
For years, Americans have repeated a mantra when discussing public schools, “Look to Finland!” Now, we see the same dangerous reforms happening in Finland’s schools that are happening in America’s schools! Prominent leaders believe that teaching is still a strong profession in Finland. And certainly using technology can be useful. I guess, like most reforms, […]
Slow Learners in the Age of Hyperlearning
Who decides what slow learning is in this country? Every student deserves a free public education with teachers who understand their educational needs. Not only are corporate reformers slamming slow learners, they’re pushing children to grow up faster than is humanely possible. All our children are expected to be hyperlearners! Slooooowly! There is nothing wrong […]
The Upcoming, Troubling, PBS “School of the Future”
On Wednesday, Sept. 14, 9 pm ET, PBS and NOVA will air a two hour special called “School of the Future.” The advertisement tells us much. They are warning that the future for children demands that students need better preparation to succeed due to globalization. What they probably won’t tell us is that this future […]
Highlighting Websites, Blogs and Books!
Back in August I passed the two year mark since I started this blog! Today I would like to draw your attention to many wonderful blogs, websites and books about education which I have been collecting like rare coins for the last year. I already listed many others when I first started this crusade. Check […]