There are certain issues in education that should no longer take a major study or a Ph.D. to understand. And yet some Americans seemed duped into believing there’s need for proof. For example, Chalkbeat just informed us that students who take tests in hot rooms don’t get good test scores. Does this shock anyone? Here’s […]
Elves, Marshmallow Farms, and the K-12 Education Political Disconnect
Merry Christmas! Today I am writing about illusion and how K-12 education, despite some cursory remarks, is still ignored by Presidential candidates. If you haven’t already noticed, while there are many topics discussed at Presidential debates, there is never, and I mean NEVER, any mention of the vast concerns about the privatization of America’s public […]
I am honored to be invited to talk with Dr. James Avington Miller Jr. on his popular radio program. Call in and chat with us. This Sunday, May 17 at 2:00pm PST / 4:00pm Central/ 5:00pm Eastern on ‘THE WAR REPORT ON PUBLIC EDUCATION’ on BBS Radio – ‘A Conversation with Nancy E. Bailey’ an […]