What makes a teacher stay teaching when everything goes wrong? What is the breaking point to make them want to quit? Almost every day there is another sad story of a teacher who says good-bye to their students and closes the classroom door for the last time. This is especially a problem when it comes […]
“I’m Mad as Hell, and I’m Not Going to Take This Anymore!” The Real Reasons Why Teachers Stay or Quit the Profession
Why do teachers stay teaching? What makes them leave? The Alliance for Excellent Education and the New Teacher Center, heavily backed by corporations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, just came out with a report focusing on teacher preparation and sounding the age-old alarm that new teachers quit within a few years. It is […]
Why Teachers Quit and What Administrators Would Do if They Wanted to Keep Them
A parent I know who is a strong crusader for goodness and public schooling told me about a Forbes article, “The Top 8 Reasons Your Best People Are About to Quit – And How You Can Keep Them.” How does this list apply to teachers? How do the negative business reasons described by Forbes affect […]