What would education be like with a President Bernie Sanders? Would he stand by public schools and public school career teachers? I think between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders would be better to fight against the troubling school reforms that have plagued public schools for years. Most of what can be gathered about […]
Hey Bill & Melinda! Here’s What’s Hard for ELLs
By Linda Chantal Sullivan As I read Nancy Bailey’s blog post, “Challenge to the Common Core King and Queen: Get Involved Really!,” I found myself vigorously nodding my head in agreement. How ridiculous that Bill and Melinda Gates say reforming our education system is the hardest job they’ve ever tackled. I was thinking, “Yeah, you […]
Challenge to the Common Core King and Queen: Get Involved Really!
Bill and Melinda Gates say “Working on reforming the U.S. education system is the hardest job they’ve ever tackled — even more difficult and complex than trying to find a cure for malaria.” Their hardest job? Are they kidding? Sitting in an ivory palace pulling school reform ideas off the top of your head is […]