Like many, I hate war. I don’t understand why we haven’t evolved to a better civilization after all this time. As an educator, I am saddened especially by all the young lives that have been lost throughout the years. Whether you agree with the circumstances surrounding a war, or not, the sacrifices soldiers make should […]
The ASVAB: Are You Handing Your Student’s Information Over to the Military With Out Knowing?
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Career Exploration Program, otherwise known as the ASVAB-CEP, or ASVAB, is an admissions and placement test to determine student career interests, strengths, and qualification for the military. The ASVAB is not new. It has been around since 1968. But there are new privacy concerns about the way the test […]
Data Frenzy!
A parent was bemoaning the fact that her young student is made to carry his notebook with his standardized test scores around the school in the chance an administrator, or test Nazi, might need to take a look at the scores. Are test scores this important that administrators must have access to them every minute […]