Many voucher plans are popping up in state legislatures across the country. Here’s what’s happening in Tennessee. By Jim Gifford No matter what, many Tennessee legislators know a good deal when they see it. If a proposed new bill or untested program concerning public education is considered too risky or is unpopular with the constituents […]
More on Memphis School Cuts and the Broad and Gates Foundations
The Blues City is earning its name when it comes to public schools. Both the Broad and Gates Foundations have seen to it. The other day I posted about cuts to Memphis (Shelby County Schools). I was quickly reminded, rightly so, that these were proposed cuts—like maybe there would be some kind of rollback in […]
Drastic Public School Cuts in Memphis—The New America
Shelby County Schools in Memphis are cutting programs like special education and teachers and staff and other important positions and resources that help a good school function. They need to make $50 million or maybe even $86 million in cuts to public schools. The biggest hit to a single department under academics is in special […]
Memorial Day Tribute to Staff Sgt. Morgan Deshawn Kennon (1980-2003)
Like many, I hate war. I don’t understand why we haven’t evolved to a better civilization after all this time. As an educator, I am saddened especially by all the young lives that have been lost throughout the years. Whether you agree with the circumstances surrounding a war, or not, the sacrifices soldiers make should […]
A Little School Privatization History About Memphis
If you think it is just the poor schools that will be turned to charters, think again. Sooner or later they will want to turn your middle class school into one, and my guess is you will pay for it, and you will have no say into how it is run. In the fall of […]
Goodbye to More Real Public Schools in Memphis—Will Yours be Next?
There are few things sadder to me than to see small children standing in front of a microphone begging to keep their schools open. But that’s Memphis. It’s also Chicago, Philadelphia and New York and on and on. If you don’t yet have charter schools taking over your public schools don’t blink. They’re coming. They […]
Hey! Who’s that With the Baby Grand on their Back?
Memphis and the surrounding suburbs have been through quite a lot of “churning” with the school merger of the city schools with the county schools. Most everyone spots the corporate fingerprints. They’re all over the place. Chain charters, Teach for America, The New Teacher Project, Common Core, etc. are, with the help of Stand for […]