One wonders what sort of alternative universe the so-called education leaders live in these days—most whom only taught a year—if they taught at all, and who most likely never bothered to lower themselves to take one of those silly courses about child and adolescent development. Across the country parents and teachers are rallying in their […]
What Part of Individual Educational Plan Don’t They Understand?
A recent Ed. Week article, “Common Core’s Promise Collides with IEP Realities,” claims, “Special Education teachers struggle to make sure individual education programs align with standards.” Wow! You could have fooled me! I thought IEPs were tailored to student needs, not to the Common Core State Standards. But really, aligning IEPs to the standards—has been […]
“Coaching” Applied to Teaching–Why I Don’t Like It
“Teaching Coaches” have become commonplace as public school curriculum is converted to Common Core. The plan is to enlist teachers, lots of them, to coach other teachers how to instruct using Common Core. In most places these teaching coaches get a stipend of $5-6,000 to help transform a school district into a Common Core wonderland. […]
What Really Scares Parents IS Arne Duncan!
Yesterday we learned what Arne Duncan said—in support of Common Core State Standards. At first I didn’t think I could write about it because it made me sick. But then I decided I had to write about it. From The Washington Post: Duncan said, “It’s fascinating to me that some of the pushback is coming […]
Examining Common Core’s Answer for Student Differences–UDL
All this said, here is the link to UDL so you can follow. If it makes better sense to you, by all means let me know One issue, I would question, is found on the first link that students will “Know how to set challenging learning goals for themselves.” Do students really set learning […]
Common Core and Students with Disabilities—What Now?
Not long ago children with disabilities were denied a free public education. Some were even institutionalized. Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens (PARC), in 1972, and the case that followed on its heels, Mills v. Board of Education (MILLS), helped open the door for exceptional learners to attend public school and receive an “appropriate” education. Here […]
Who’s “Dreaming Big”—Students or IBM?
Here’s the question.Is it helping disadvantaged teens to plug them into corporately-designed programs, starting when they are in ninth grade, steering them through six years of training where they will wind up with an Associate’s Degree related to a corporation? Should this be the purpose of all schooling in America? Is it right for teenagers? […]
Common Core State Standards—Ignoring Strengths and Differences in America’s Students with Disabilities and All Students
In America, one way of helping students with disabilities blend in with their non-disabled peers is to consider differences in ALL students. Every child has strengths and weaknesses. Even students who are multi-talented have areas they lean more towards than others. Lifting students up from their weaknesses is important, of course, but I would argue […]
Common Core State Standards–Private School and Homeschool–Here, There and EVERYWHERE
Many parents think if they put their children in private school or homeschool they will all be able to hide from the Common Core State Standards. Sorry folks. David Coleman, who said no cares about your student’s narrative writing, wasn’t only the architect of the standards, he moved over to become president of the […]
Isn’t It Time for Some Class Action Suits Against Common Core–For Students with Special Needs and Young Children?
This past weekend’s post about Common Core not rhyming with Individual Educational Plans brought over 1,000 Facebook likes. For a relatively new Blogger this jumped out at me as a sure sign that people, especially parents with students who have special needs and their teachers, are fed up with Common Core State Standards which have […]