It is sad, for many, to watch professional associations, long trusted to care for and support students, parents and teachers, sign on to propagandizing Common Core as great for schools and children. Many parents and educators see through this. In addition, and this is most important, why do those selling Common Core continue claiming it […]
Common Core State Standards and Students with Autism—The Shoe Doesn’t Fit
Let me say up front, that I don’t think Common Core State Standards are shoes that fit any child, but the standards are especially insidious for students with disabilities, who were promised something different with the original Public Law 94-142. Recently I read an article in Teaching Exceptional Children from a year ago. It was entitled, “Meeting […]
Shunning Gifted Students in America—Isn’t it Time to Pay Attention?
All children are gifted one way or another. But because labels are still used to identify children, when I say gifted you immediately know I am referring to children who have high IQs. They intellectually function ahead of their peers on the bell-shaped curve—sometimes far ahead. They also might have learning disabilities along with being […]
It’s Not A Wonderful Life for Millions of School Children
“…I know right now, and the answer’s no. No Doggone it! You sit around here and you spin your little webs and you think the whole world revolves around you and your money! Well, it doesn’t, Mr. Potter! In the, in the whole vast configuration of things, I’d say you were nothing but a scurvy […]