Many parents are concerned about their child’s learning loss due to the pandemic. If children are behind, they can catch up. But there’s another culprit that could cause serious difficulties. Lead poisoning poses a threat to children through the water they drink from lead solder/pipes, dust exposure involving old paint in homes, and living near […]
Black Students in Poor Schools: It’s Still NCLB!
In The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America, Jonathan Kozol refers to a comment by President George W. Bush about Bush’s goals for education. President Bush said, I went to Washington to challenge the soft bigotry of low expectations. Later, in 2004, he said, It’s working. It’s making a difference. […]
Hey CEOs! Get the Lead Out (of Flint)!
What will the business philanthropists concerned about the education progress of our young people do about Flint? For over 30 years, politicians and big business decided public schools were failing and nothing would do other than CEOs of huge corporations and the states take over. They told us they wanted to close the achievement gap […]
Revisiting “A Strange Ignorance…” LEAD Poisoning and Student Achievement
Originally Posted on September 22, 2013 by Nancy Bailey. This was posted last September and I have included some changes and updates. Talking about children and lead poisoning can quickly make you look like a harbinger of bad news–a real Debbie Downer. Lead poisoning is probably not a problem for most children, but it is […]
Revisiting “A Strange Ignorance…” LEAD Poisoning and Student Achievement
Today I add a new link to what I believe is an important organization for early childhood education. CLEAR Corps: Protecting the Potential of Children (CC) addresses the serious issue, which I write about in Misguided Education Reform: Debating the Impact on Students, addressing the harmful effects of high blood levels of lead in children […]