Early childhood officials at the U.S. Department of Education, some who should know better, have apparently concluded (as described in this Ed Week article), that they were making little kids do things too over-the-top to be early childhood ready—like giving four-year-olds basic sight word spelling tests and getting them to count to 20 in their […]
Setting Children Up to Hate Reading
Any educator or parent who understands the beauty of reading and the importance of helping a child learn to do it right was appalled to read two recent articles about the subject. Both should make all of us concerned that children are being set up to hate reading. They are being pushed to read earlier […]
Why Did Parents Ever Allow the Loss of Recess?
The Alliance for Childhood just printed Olga Jarrett’s research showing the importance of research http://www.allianceforchildhood.org/sites/allianceforchildhood.org/files/file/Recess_online.pdf. I admire the good work of Olga Jarrett. I even posted a tribute to her awhile back. There is a lot of other great research out there to show the importance of recess, along with books on the subject. There’s […]
Olga Jarrett and the Importance of Play
Today I thought I’d mention Dr. Olga Jarrett and how she has contributed so much to the child’s world of play. She has done serious research about child development and she especially recognizes the importance of socialization. I find socialization to be a serious casualty of the current reform movement in our public schools. Dr. […]