Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. ~Fred Rogers One education topic that every politician running for office mentions is preschool for all. What do they mean? What do they think preschool should be […]
Human Interaction & Picture Books vs. Waterford Upstart’s Preschool Phonics Online Video
Last Sunday, The New York Times described Waterford’s Upstart online program for preschoolers, describing it as better than nothing, or, as “closing a gap.” They described communities that could not (or would not) raise money for preschool, so, online instruction seemed like the default choice. Who’s reviewing these programs? Waterford Upstart is flawed. This can […]
What Preschool Isn’t: Waterford UPSTART and Any Other Online Program!
No one can deny the importance of early learning. We have years of research by developmental psychologists and early childhood education researchers built on findings to help us understand how preschoolers learn. We need to fund adequate preschools so students get a good introduction to the joy of formal learning. Researchers have known for some […]
The Devil is in the Details, Utah
Some Utah parents are worried about afterschool Satan Clubs. I don’t blame them. However, and I’m no religious expert by any means, if there is a devil, I think it is always sneaking into town when and where you least expect. Utah, in my opinion, has some devil-like programs designed to eliminate public-schools. First, there’s […]