I’m sorry Democrats didn’t do better last night because they might be somewhat better for public education. Maybe they will regroup and come back stronger for real public education and teacher support. Last night during the election results, the media portrayed Democrats as the education party, but for years Democratic policymakers have turned on teachers […]
The Pictures Children Take of Their World
History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children. ~Nelson Mandela What kind of pictures of the world are children taking as they get ready to return to school? We cannot control all the news, but we should be mindful of how children observe us and how we fit […]
Independence Day and the Loss of America’s Democratic Public Schools
Politicians talk a lot about democracy, especially while referring to threats from other countries. What about the destruction of what should be the most democratic institution in this country—America’s public schools? Many Americans of both parties seem unworried about handing public education over to the wealthy who want to privatize those schools and use them […]
Green Schools: Are they Child and Teacher Friendly and Public?
Environmentally friendly school facilities are critical. Teaching students environmental awareness and how to be good stewards of the earth is imperative. But are new green school buildings encompassing a whole curriculum? Are they practical, focused on the environment and the students, supportive of real teachers, designed to be democratic and public, or are they about […]
A Chat About Public Schools with Eli Broad’s Ghost
When someone gets to the other side, if they look back, do they question how they could have led their life differently, in this case, in particular, the late Eli Broad and his influence on public education? First, it’s troubling the United States doesn’t tax the wealthy the way they should and that Americans don’t […]
Where’s the Biden Administration on School Problems Facing Students, Teachers, and Parents?
The pandemic showed us that public schools are critical. Understandably, Covid-19 has been front and center. But the Biden administration glosses over or is silent on critical school issues. Sometimes these topics are front and center not in a good way in State legislatures or ignored altogether. Frustrated parents will seek alternatives, and there’s a […]
President Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Should Include Teachers! Here’s Why
It’s good that President Biden is focusing on updating school buildings in his infrastructure plan. But there’s another crisis his administration should address. America needs a national movement to get well-prepared teachers into our public school classrooms. The teaching profession has been in crisis mode for years. Much of this crisis has been generated by […]
Covid-19 School Contradictions, Confusion, and Mistrust
Covid-19 is a strange phenomenon without any proven how-to guides. Recommendations and contradictions surrounding Covid-19 and schools have raised uncertainty. When there’s a lack of clarity, people become suspicious of what they’re told, and they wonder what and who to believe. Parents and Teachers Can’t Agree Many parents believe schools are safe, few children get […]
Kindergarten Learning Loss Message Is HORRIFYING for Children!
No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, high-stakes testing, Common Core, and other bad school reform measures are coming together with Covid-19 to destroy the futures of America’s youngest learners! They include the same equity and disparity talk used to ramp up the above harmful policies. Those changes to schools, all that rigor talk, […]
The 12 Point Covid-19 DISCONNECT Between Teachers and Those Who Want Schools Open Now!
Pressure is being placed on teachers to return to in-person classes. Here’s why that’s a problem. 1. Precautions The CDC and Dr. Fauci and President Biden want all schools to return to in-person learning with precautions in place. But precautions are exactly what many schools often lack. Teachers know best whether or not precautions are […]