Can you imagine never being able to jump off a Merry Go Round? The fight over education policy is like that. It involves the same worn-out problems that could have been addressed years ago if Americans truly got behind their democratic public schools. The middle class and the poor, Democrats and Republicans, who understand the […]
Saving Public Schools for ALL Our Children in the New Year
As we approach 2023, let’s make this the year to unite for the common good to reestablish and promote public education for all our children. A public school system relies on a country that values education for all its children no matter family religious beliefs, the color of one’s skin, gender identity, sexual orientation, or […]
“Fresh Starts” for Middle School Students: A Kinder, Gentler Grade Level Promotion Policy
By Rick Bobrick Over the past two school years, educators have worked tirelessly to meet the unique challenges presented by the coronavirus emergency. There has been a lot of talk about “re-imagining” our public schools, with few practical specifics being offered. After a major disruption to their normal routines, nothing will be more important than […]
Where’s the Biden Administration on School Problems Facing Students, Teachers, and Parents?
The pandemic showed us that public schools are critical. Understandably, Covid-19 has been front and center. But the Biden administration glosses over or is silent on critical school issues. Sometimes these topics are front and center not in a good way in State legislatures or ignored altogether. Frustrated parents will seek alternatives, and there’s a […]
DeVos and False Claims of Failed Schools: How School Reform Hurts Children
The conviction that the best way to prepare children for a harsh, rapidly changing world is to introduce formal instruction at an early age is wrong. There is simply no evidence to support it, and considerable evidence against it. Starting children early academically has not worked in the past and is not working now. —David […]
Announcing My New Website Format and Blog!
My new website covers Activism and School Curriculum and I still have the Blog. It is more manageable now. Point and clink on the title and the link should appear. The Activism site focuses on groups , organizations and people who are currently working to oppose the harmful reform taking place in our public schools. […]
Great Public Schools Focus on Student Interests
I wonder how many parents out there remember when anyone at their child’s school asked these questions: What are your child’s interests? Does your student have any hobbies? How do they like to spend their free time? I am reading an interesting book called Tough Liberal: Albert Shanker and the Battles Over Schools, Unions, […]